Three steps to healthy feet in 10 minutes a day
Basic online course including a program for healing your legs | |
Do you suffer from leg and feet pain? Painful knees or bunions? Do not rely on orthopedic aids only and start to solve the problem actively with a simple and well worked-out exercise program. In each of the three steps you will learn 5 effective and easy exercises, all according to the commented video tutorials and illustrative photos. To support your exercises you will learn in detail the Vitalizing self foot massage. In addition, you will receive the methodical manual with exercises description, supporting materials for print, basic tests for the condition of your feet and many other bonuses. |
You will receive the discount code while shopping on our website. Access details will be delivered to you by e-mail after payment. |
And what do Basic online course participants say?
"Two years of unbearable pain in right leg when I walk for a longer time is finally gone with exercises from online course. During the weekend hiking I climbed the hill for the first time in long term. And my right knee, ankle and even foot didn't hurt at all! I'm very happy!" (Iveta Zonygová) |
"Online course is very complex and fully conceptual. All exercises are perfectly explained in the videos and on photos, so that you can understand them without a problem. As a physiotherapist I work with legs and feet for long time, but I've found some very effective exercises in this course, of which I wouldn't have thought before." |
"The course always consists of great set of exercises, each part solving a specific problem. Videos are illustrative and perfectly described, and anybody can really do them! If you only wear orthopedic insoles for examples, your problems with feet won't simply go away, therefore I highly recommend this online course, Vladka's exercises truly help a lot." |
"Bit by bit I've been observing how my toes and arch are getting better together with more flexible walking. Occasional pain in my knees has also weakened. All exercises are nicely mnemotechnically described and also fun to do." |
Video: Vitalizing self foot massage - online (11:09)
This very effective foot massage (ankle, instep, sole and toes) together with movements of all joints will make blood circulate in your feet again, warm them up as well as soften stiff parts. The effect is immediate: your foot will be brand new - light, flexible and full of life. |
Vysokoškolská učitelka a lektorka zdravotního cvičení pro soukromé firmy i státní organizace. Již 30 let předává lidem umění sebeléčby pohybem. Posledních deset let se soustřeďuje na problematiku nohou a učí své klienty, jak se zbavit bolestí a opět si užívat zdravé tělo a lehký krok. |
Videoukázka: Vitalizační masáž chodidel online (11:09)
Tato velice účinná masáž nohy (kotníku, nártu, plosky i prstů), spojená s rozpohybováním všech skloubení nohy, vaše chodidla prokrví, zahřeje i změkčí tuhé části. Efekt je okamžitý: vaše noha bude jako nová: lehká, pružná a plná života. |
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