Do you also sit for long hours at the computer? And you have a bent back, a closed chest and you don't even take a proper breath? And what about those tired and burning eyes, the strained neck and the head tucked between your shoulders?
An online course with a programme for total body regeneration | |
In three weeks, you will learn to feel your body better, get relief from lying down, learn to breathe more efficiently and fully, and with tips on changing your sitting position, enjoy a free neck when sitting down and a break from tension. You will grow up to two inches in standing, gradually changing your silhouette and gaining a soaring, regal posture. Plus, these effective and simple practices quickly lead to visible results. | |
Three e-books by Vlaďka Botlikova for free download (
More about the author's expertise (LinkedIn)
By purchasing the online course, I agree to provide the author of the online course with my email, first and last name to set up access to the course. Vladana Botlikova (ID 14900041) declares that she has ensured the protection of personal data in accordance with the new GDPR standards and will keep the data entrusted to her in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Vysokoškolská učitelka a lektorka zdravotního cvičení pro soukromé firmy i státní organizace. Již 30 let předává lidem umění sebeléčby pohybem. Posledních deset let se soustřeďuje na problematiku nohou a učí své klienty, jak se zbavit bolestí a opět si užívat zdravé tělo a lehký krok. |
Videoukázka: Vitalizační masáž chodidel online (11:09)
Tato velice účinná masáž nohy (kotníku, nártu, plosky i prstů), spojená s rozpohybováním všech skloubení nohy, vaše chodidla prokrví, zahřeje i změkčí tuhé části. Efekt je okamžitý: vaše noha bude jako nová: lehká, pružná a plná života. |
Tři e-booky od Vlaďky Botlíkové ke stažení zdarma (
Více o odbornosti autorky (LinkedIn)