Spectra rocker is a multifunctional toy, which stimulates the senses, awakens imagination, strengthens muscles and promotes the development of balance and of the art of magic.
A simple spell suddenly turns the rocker into a bridge, a tunnel, a house, a seat, a climbing frame, a slide or a counter. The more imaginative the wizard, the more transformations it can undergo. Watch out, little magicians, the Spectra rocker fits two of you.
Thanks to its design, the Spectra can be an unobtrusive natural accessory, as well as a radiant element, which will cheer up your kid and your home alike.
We like to engrave your name or text on the Spectra rocker. Read more here.
Order the Soft mattress for the Spectra rocker here.
This is a KIT, you will receive it unassembled pre drilled and with the hardware needed to assembly it. Box of size approx. 70x45x7cm.
If you want to assemble the Spectra rocker from us, add the selected rocker and the item "Assembled Spectra" to the basket.
Design: Petr Fiala petr-fiala.cz
Made of: layered birchwood
Dimensions: 75x43x45 cm
Weigh: 6,5 kg
Capacity: 60 kg
Lifetime: until burning
Recommended age: 1 - 5
Certification: Utukutu Spectra is CE certified according Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. CE certification is done by: Technical and Testing Institute
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Celá výroba se odehrává v České republice. Díky našim zkušenostem můžeme veškeré kroky výroby dělat sami a většinu ručně.
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Utukutu milují děti i dospělí, protože je to neomezený zdroj zábavy a dobrodružství. Spojuje pohyb s hrou. Je to ladnost, jednoduchost a sametový dotek dřeva.
Originální kresba dřeva dělá z každého produktu unikát. Váš byt rozzáří a doladí k dokonalosti.
Utukutu děláme s láskou, z těch nejlepších materiálů, aby vydrželo věky.